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track machine中文是什么意思

用"track machine"造句"track machine"怎么读"track machine" in a sentence


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  • Dynamic performance evaluation and test method for particular class vehicles and tracked machine
  • The experiments show that this method has great performance of single target tracking in sequence images on the sea . considering the correlation between the frames of sequence , we research the tracking methods which take advantage of both the intra - frame and inter - frame information , including predicting tracking machine based on kalman filtering algorithm and matching tracking machine based on mean - shift algorithm
    实验表明,该方法对海上单目标跟踪具有很好的稳定性;然后,针对序列图象具有帧间相关性的特点,研究了基于帧内? ?帧间信息的自动跟踪方法,即同时利用帧内信息和帧间相关性信息,设计了基于kalman滤波的预测跟踪器和基于mean - shift算法的匹配跟踪器。
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